Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
The HYPBC Bible Trivia format this year is Multiple Choice to enable our youths to utilize Kahoot.it which is a quiz-based learning program that is easy and fun.
Please download the 2022 Multiple Choice Bible Trivia that I have designed for the Kahoot program and utilize them in the Church of the Living God National and State Youth Congress if so desired.
It has been my heart's desire to have our young people grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. May the Lord continue to bless, strengthen and encourage our young people to be steadfast and faithful through His Word.
Love, Blessings and Joy,
HYPBC National President Elder Dr. Joyce C. Thomas
Liaison Bishop- Bishop Bertha Jones
National President- Elder Joyce C. Thomas, EdD
National Vice President – Elder Maxine Smith
National Secretary- Elder Belinda Cohen